Limited spots still available in select grades. Please call the school if interested.

Santa Stuck – Art for grade 2 students

Date: November 26, 2020

As discussed in class on Friday, we will be leading the grade 2 class through a virtual lesson. Step 1 is to create your art work. You are to create a scene of Santa Stuck in a chimney. There is a template in the FILES section.

You are encouraged to add additional details to your scene based upon the attached story that inspired our activity. Be creative by using more than just your drawing skills. You will be presenting your art to your grade 2 buddy as a way to inspire your art.

The following steps include making videos for the grade 2 students, modeling good sentence structure in a written activity of how to get Santa out of the chimney, and also helping them edit their work.This should be a good leadership opportunity for us!

Santa is Stuck