Limited spots still available in select grades. Please call the school if interested.

Christmas Presentation

Date: December 9, 2020

Present on an important, fun, or memorable aspect of Christmas for you. I will give you some sample topics.

1) Choose a family tradition(s) that are important to you. Explain the activities, how long your family/friends have been doing this, why you like it, why is it special, etc…

2) Discuss your favourite Christmas song, movie, or book – is there one (or more) of these pieces that mean a lot to you? Do they represent family fun? Do you just like them? Does it bring back special memories? Explain.

3) A family memory – Do you have a Christmas memory or story that really stands out. Share it with the class.

Presentation must be 1 minute and 30 seconds. No longer than 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

You may use visuals, a presentation (powerpoint, etc..), music, anything to increase your presentation. You can also just speak it (that is equally as strong).

Presentation date: Wednesday, December 9th – Remote learners share to FlipGrid (First name and last initial – Ex. EddieB)

FlipGrid code – grade7christmas

I will post an activity for you to complete for watching your fellow remote learners videos.